Welcome to my projects page!

I will post here my latest creative projects. There will be web & graphic design projects, digital & traditional art or mixed media projects and also photography projects.

I like working at projects every now and then. It keeps me organized and boosts my creativity.

Hey guys and gals! Nice to see you again. :D

Today I’m going to present you my latest photography e-book (yes, you guessed it, I wrote a book, but it’s a photography book, actually :D ) which is appropriate for this season (we are in winter at the time of writing this) and it is called Winter Sketches.

A few years ago I’ve started photographing in winter and I thought about making an e-book (and soon a paperback, so stay tuned! ;) ) with the photographs that I have made. I also wrote some essays to go with those photos which are meditative, make you wanna stop and think, reflect upon this season, the world, reflect upon us, humans, and upon Mother Nature and how she manifests during this mysterious, cold, hibernal season.

Therefore, Winter Sketches is a photo book, a collection of photo essays, small stories about winter, snow, wintry snowcapped mountain ranges, trees covered in snow and abstract miniature landscapes. Winter Sketches invite us to take a moment and reflect, meditate on the hibernal season were coldness governs the land but not Nature from within, being just a simple manifestation of the recollection of Nature. What is without is not actually what is within. It is just a token of starting all over again. The idea of recreation comes to my mind because the winter season is a season when we take a pause and recreate ourselves.

You can purchase Winter Sketches, which is available in pdf format, from Amazon Kindle Store and Gumroad for only 10 $.

Here are the purchase links: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01N4D7YZL , https://gumroad.com/products/mTmxn .

Winter Sketches, cover, photography, winter, e-book, for sale

Winter Sketches, cover, photography, winter, e-book, for sale

Winter Sketches, cover, photography, winter, e-book, for sale

Winter Sketches, cover, photography, winter, e-book, for sale




I am really drawn to music, but also to photography. And I was thinking to make an album, a photo project that really sings, to combine both music and photography.

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I’ve decided to post this a little later than usual. I’ve started this project a few months ago. The project’s name is “Proiectie”, or “Projection”. It will be about interesting plays of light in photography.

I am not particularly focused on a specific kind of photography, like in other projects, but I’m opened to new ideas, to every kind of photography that I can make. All I am interested in is light and degrees of light, and also on interesting plays of light, ones that we can barely notice in our lives, ones that we tend to ignore. These kinds of photos I would like them to trigger contemplation. Call them haiku of koan photographs if you will. It’s appropriate. :)

I will not talk about the technical aspect of the project but I would like to write about the methods I will use, both in camera and in post-production. All of my images so far are done in black and white because they can emphasize the subject matter better than in color. I will also underexpose or overexpose intentionally some images for different results. I will over-post-process some of them for the same reason, even double or triple process them. I don’t know. I will need to reach a certain kind of result that will show the subjects of the images in a given artistical way. I will use filters off-camera but very little, if none whatsoever. But I will use the ND filters that I’ll put on my lenses sometimes.

Color can be a distraction at times but I will not neglect this aspect. Maybe some of my images will be in color. I don’t know just yet. I am opened to whatever will come up along the way. It’ll be interesting. ;)

Also, some of the images will be nature photographs, and others will be abstract, or landscapes that I will find very interesting and appropriate to include in this project.

Last, but not least, this project may have no end, or maybe it will. It will be completely opened.

So, if you have any suggestions leave them below. Thanks! :D Also, check out the gallery! ;)

Proiectie - Studiu IProiectie - Studiu IIProiectie - Studiu III